6:30 PM18:30

Tea with Ben Carroll

Lets continue building the conversation:

We are going to continue our conversation on Frequency and Resonance and definitely get into doing toning later. What we have been doing collectively and individually with the Bee's Breathe (toning) is raising our frequencies...because, to further our understanding of The Star Teachings it seems that we are required to hold a higher resonant frequency. We must not just practice kindness and compassion, but somehow hold the frequency of Kindness, and the frequency of Compassion.

WHAT is the frequency of Kindness?
WHAT is the frequency of Compassion?.

Also, I believe that it's past due for the concept of time and space to be brought into this conversation. David has brought up many things, that in order for us to even move into conversation about, we must be willing to set aside what we've been taught (time & space being immovable linear and lateral objects) and we must allow ourselves the mental freedom to warp our perception of time & space and see what sense we can make of this information from new and different perspectives.

David told us at the July 2nd tea - A large part of what we've been working towards right now with the toning is to connect to that temple as it exists in our future...which feels a bit weird to say...but I think we are going to need to get comfortable thinking in terms of the concept of time and space inter-dimensionally, and the frequencies and vibrational resonances of times and places as being their determining factors, not thinking in terms of specific linear or lateral placement. David made it a point several times to mention connecting with the temple, specifically to set the intention of the Bee's Breath towards that connection.

How do we wrap our head around thinking of time and space as frequencies as opposed to linear and lateral events?


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7:00 PM19:00

TEA with Ben Carroll ~ Boston, MA

The Star Teachings have many times been described as something that requires a raising of vibration to increase understanding. A lot of the speaks and important events are held on, or near, the full moon to utilize the vibrational boost offered at that timing. The importance of this is agreed upon, but how much of this is actually understood? Can we raise our own vibration? Can we raise our collective vibration by working together? And what does that mean? Lets explore our frequency and our tonal resonance through discussion and chanting/toning.

ABOUT TEA is a gathering, a circle of energy that we create. Tea is a place for spiritual friendship without judgement. Tea grounds us in the Star Teachings. Star Teachings are from an ancient tradition inherent in the functioning of the universe & rooted in the first teaching: kindness. We are all teachers of kindness in our simplest thoughts and actions. When we come together we begin to recognize our own capacity to create the world we long for and to collectively build an energy to do so. We have everything we need, but we have forgotten how to use it. Tea helps us remember. Come and remember with us. 

An offering basket will be provided to help fund future Star Teaching Society events and gatherings. Thank you :)


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6:30 PM18:30

Tea with Ben Carroll ~ Falmouth, ME

At Tea this Wednesday (7/16) we are going to continue our conversation on Frequency and Resonance. To further our understanding of The Star Teachings it seems that we are required to hold a higher resonant frequency. We must not just practice kindness and compassion, but somehow hold the frequency of Kindness, and the frequency of Compassion.

WHAT is the frequency of Kindness?
WHAT is the frequency of Compassion?.

Also, I believe that it's past due for the concept of time and space to be brought into this conversation. David has brought up many things, that in order for us to even move into conversation about, we must be willing to set aside what we've been taught (time & space being immovable linear and lateral objects) and we must allow ourselves the mental freedom to warp our perception of time & space and see what sense we can make of this information from new and different perspectives. This is a conversation I'm compelled to hold and share with you tomorrow! =)

Who's in?


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6:30 PM18:30

TEA with Ben Carroll ~ Falmouth, ME

Please join us for Tea on Thursday June 12th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at 10 Old Mill Rd., Falmouth ME, with Ben Carroll as host . Tea is an opportunity to gather in circle and share our human experience without judgment or discrimination. There will be an offering basket to support Star Teachings Society, a Maine-based nonprofit whose mission is to grow, nurture and foster community in order to spread kindness and share knowledge from ancient wisdom known as Star Teachings. All are welcome. Thank you!


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7:00 PM19:00

Field Poppy Moon Tea with Ben Carroll

Please join us for Tea in the Meadow or Barn, Friday July 11th @ 7pm~ Deserts and Tea will be set up, all are Welcome,
Star Teachings Society Mission Statement: To grow, nurture and foster community in order to spread kindness and share knowledge from ancient wisdom known as Star Teachings.
From Ben:From Ben:
The Star Teachings have many times been described as something that requires a raising of vibration to increase understanding. A lot of the speaks and important events are held on, or near, the full moon to utilize the vibrational boost offered at that timing. The importance of this is agreed upon, but how much of this is actually understood? Can we raise our own vibration? Can we raise our collective vibration by working together? And what does that mean? Lets explore our frequency and our tonal resonance through discussion and chanting/toning.


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6:30 PM18:30

Tea with Ben Carroll ~ Falmouth, ME

Continuing the conversation:

The Star Teachings have many times been described as something that requires a raising of vibration to increase understanding. A lot of the speaks and important events are held on, or near, the full moon to utilize the vibrational boost offered at that timing. The importance of this is agreed upon, but how much of this is actually understood? Can we raise our own vibration? Can we raise our collective vibration by working together? And what does that mean? Lets explore our frequency and our tonal resonance through discussion and chanting/toning.


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6:30 PM18:30

Tea in Falmouth with Ben Carroll

Join us in circle with Ben Carroll conducting Tea! Please bring a snack to share if you are so moved and a flexible attitude around seating! Newcomers most welcome.
From Ben:
The Star Teachings have many times been described as something that requires a raising of vibration to increase understanding. A lot of the speaks and important events are held on, or near, the full moon to utilize the vibrational boost offered at that timing. The importance of this is agreed upon, but how much of this is actually understood? Can we raise our own vibration? Can we raise our collective vibration by working together? And what does that mean? Lets explore our frequency and our tonal resonance through discussion and chanting/toning.


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