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TEA with Auntie Crow, Ben Carroll and David Lonebear Sanipass

Please join us for TEA on Sunday, August 24th 2014, at THE SACRED SPACE, 56 Old Suncook Road, Concord NH from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm!

Auntie Crow will conduct this tea, with a special visit from guest speakers Ben Carroll and David Lonebear Sanipass of Maine.

Teas are events hosted by Star Teachings Society, a non-profit organization whose mission is to cultivate, nurture and foster community in order to spread kindness and compassion and share knowledge and technology from ancient wisdom known as Star Teachings. A Tea is a facilitated interactive gathering in circle where we listen, learn, ask questions, and harvest the wisdom of the group without judgment or discrimination. 

The basic premise of Star Teachings is the practice of kindness and compassion. The teachings help us recognize we are all capable of being teachers of kindness and compassion in our simplest thoughts and actions. When we practice kindness and compassion we become resonant as a community . When we become resonant as a community our full potential as humans becomes available.

There will be an offering basket at Tea to support the continued sharing of the star teachings. Thank you!