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12/20/20 Winter Solstice Return to Light Sound Healing ~ ONLINE EVENT

Winter Solstice Return to Light Sound Healing

December 20, 2020 4-5:30pm EDT (GMT-5)
Energy exchange $22

Facebook event:

This Winter Solstice marks a Return to Light during the final days of what has been one of the toughest years for so many of us. Celebrate this return to light with a deeply relaxing and peaceful sound healing experience guided by Ben Carroll.

On the evening of Sunday December 20th we will gather together (virtually) in sacred sound, allowing ourselves the time to release all of the denser energies that we may have accumulated throughout these past challenging months. We'll partake in one final decompression so that we are able to allow ourselves to move into alignment with the higher energies, find a state of Peace, and to return to the Light as we head towards 2021.

We are in this together, you are not alone. Energies are shifting. We are moving forward. 2021 is just around the corner.

On the evening of December 20th you will be able to enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home, all you need is:
*Access to the internet.
*A quiet space where you can remain uninterrupted for 90 minutes.
*Blankets, pillows, and wherever will make you comfortable laying down. (Remaining seated is also an option if that better serves you.)
*Stereo Headphones (The higher the quality, the better the sound, but any headphones will do.)
**Registration gains you access to the live event on Sunday December 20th, as well as access to a recording of the event for 7 days afterwards.**

Energy exchange $22:

<<I'm excited to be launching my own store front from which I can sell my own tickets! This is the first run with this setup, so please let me know if you experience any difficulties ASAP>>

**If you cannot afford the $22 due to the current circumstances in this world just reach out to me and we will work that out, there is no reason that finances should hold you back from attending in this time.**