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New Moon Sound Healing Journeywork ~ ONLINE WORLDWIDE EVENT ~

May 22, 2020 New Moon Sound Healing Journeywork ~ ONLINE EVENT

Friday May 22, 2020 6-7:30pm EDT (GMT-4)
$20 Registration:

**Registration gains you access to the event on Friday May 22nd, as well as access to a recording of the event after the fact.

The New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle. It's an opportunity to release that which no longer serves us (definitely including fear and frustration...) It is an opportunity to move forward building alignment with the life and the world that we choose.

We are in the midst of massive change on this planet. Higher frequencies have been coming in for quite some time now affecting our consciousness. The buffers that were once in place to help us move into this new resonance with a bit more ease have been gone for some time now. It is up to us to raise our vibration to move into alignment with this higher resonance.

Within this shifting of energies the lower resonances have been getting squeezed to a greater and greater degree. This is affecting everyone on this planet. Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos...those of us here to help usher in this new time are also being affected by these shifting resonances, and especially being affected by the state of those around us. Most of us are quite sensitive to such things.

✨🌟✨ Remember, you are not alone. ✨🌟✨

Let's gather in sacred sound on this New Moon to set the intention to release that which no longer serves us, (including that which does not belong to us,) and move into alignment with these higher frequencies. As we move up in resonance these higher frequencies no longer have the same affect on us...

During this powerful 90 minute sonic event we will utilize sound and energy to help us achieve a blissfully relaxed state. We will set the intention to release any fear that may be lingering within and release any of the denser energies that are coming to the surface at this time. From this space of relaxed release we can allow ourselves to come back into energetic alignment with the highest version of ourselves.

We can OPEN OURSELVES back up, RAISE OUR VIBRATION, and MOVE INTO RESONANCE with the NEW EARTH that we dream of.

Guided by former Universal Recording Artist, Ben Carroll, we will utilize the energy of the group coming together to amplify our intention as we experience Ben's 4+ octave voice, quartz crystal singing bowls, solfeggio tubes, coupled with elements like binaural beats designed to help us go even deeper.

More info on Ben Carroll:
Facebook Event:

Enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home, all you need is:
*Access to the internet and Facebook
*A quiet space where you can remain uninterrupted for 90 minutes
*Blankets, pillows, and wherever will make you comfortable laying down. (Remaining seated is also an option if that better serves you)
*Stereo Headphones (The higher the quality, the better the sound, but any headphones will do)

Friday May 22, 2020 6-7:30pm EDT (GMT-4)
$20 Registration:

**Registration gains you access to the event on Friday May 22nd, as well as access to a recording of the event after the fact.